Saturday, March 16, 2013

My heart of steel

 For the past few weeks, I feel like I have poured  steel around my heart. It's not that I don't miss Brittany every second, and it's not that I have forgotten that she is no longer here. But it's almost as if my heart can't bare the pain any longer, so it's denying that it's even there. So what does having no heart feel like? Nothing. Just nothing. I can put on a show for everyone, and pretend that I'm happy. But really it's nothing. I can act like I'm excited for whatever is going on, but really.... it's nothing. My heart is cold, my heart is dead. I've been somewhat worried about it, I don't know that it's necessarily a good thing that I'm doing. Not that I could change it even if I wanted to. But I just haven't been able to tap into my feelings or emotions at all. Quite frankly, it's very irritating. It's like going to an ice cream shoppe, and getting the best ice cream imaginable, and not being able to taste it. Even if it tasted awful, you'd still want to be able to taste. I want to feel, I just can't. At least not my own feelings. I can feel everything for everyone else. I see so much heartache, joy, excitement, and all kinds of FEELINGS everywhere I turn. I have dear friends who have lost loved ones. I see people I have known for years finally find happiness they have been longing for. I see disappointment, love, anger, excitement, and I can feel all those things for those people. I can feel it inside me like it's my own experience to live. But when it comes to me, and my feelings, and my own emotions, there is nothing. Just silence.
Well, today I got to feel for just a little bit. For the first time in 3 months, I woke up crying. Don't get me wrong, I cry. I have cried, and I know there are many times to come that I will cry and cry, and not stop. But waking up crying hasn't happened for awhile. I had a dream. I was in my room and Jenna walked by, followed by Brittany. I did a double take, expecting it to be a friend, or someone who just kind of looked like her. But no, it was Brittany. No question about it. I was so excited! I took her elbow to turn her to look at me, and for just a single second, there she was. I could feel her skin, and I could look in her eyes as she started to smile at me. And then she melted away. She crumpled to the floor like the witch in the Wizard of Oz. All that was left was a tangle of hair, and her clothes. My heart, that hasn't felt, was torn out. Once again I watched as my girl slip out of my fingers and sink into the earth. I think I know why the steel is surrounding my heart right now. The anguish I feel right now is overwhelming. Heartbreaking doesn't say enough. It is a physical pain in my heart, not just an analogy, a real physical pain that I can't control, or ease.
So here I am, crying, no sobbing. My fingers wet on the keyboard, and the pain so extreme, I have to fight to breath. In a few minutes, I will somehow be able to calm myself enough to shower. I'll get cleaned up for the day, and make myself go out into the world that I am so afraid of. I will see people I know, and they will ask how I am. I will easily lie to them and say I'm good, as I quickly look for a way to change the subject and leave as fast as I can. I will hug my kids and hope I can feel warmth for them and from them. I will do the mindless chores that need to be done, although it may just be the bare minimum. And I will carry on, like I'm "supposed" to.


  1. Mrs. Lacy,
    This is Lydia. I know how you feel. This post made me cry for you (as well as quite a few other posts)! I think and feel for you every single day (really). I'm so so sorry. I love you sooooooooo much. You are my favorite aid as well as person in the school! Hang in there, it'll be alright.

  2. Janelle, I'm sure that nothing I can say or do can ease your pain. All I can say is that my heart hurts for you, especially when I your posts. But, I can't help but think that your writing these feelings and experiences down, might in someway help in the healing process..not that you will ever be completely healed... hopefully you know what I mean. I can't say I understand because I can't even begin to but I just continue to pray that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ,the hurt and pain and emptiness that you are experiencing will be lessened. I love you and think of you often.

  3. Mrs. Lacy,
    I know I've already commented but I saw these quotes and know you'd love them! I can't say I understand how you're feeling, but I cry my eyes out on all your posts and think, " Gosh, she is such a trooper at handling this kind of stuff! I love you sooooooooo much and thought these would help you feel better:
    "Move on. It's just a chapter in the past. But don't don't close the book..... JUST TURN THE PAGE."
    " Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
    " Sometimes, I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring, so I go back to being me."
    " When nothing goes right... Go left."
    Just remember you're in my prayers and that I love you.

  4. Jenelle, I’ve been reading your newest posts and re-reading the older ones. You’ve expressed so well your stories and feelings. I hope you know that you’ve been a good Mom. Brittany was blessed to have you. I know there is love in your home. My prayer is that over time the emptiness will be filled with good memories, I’m sure that takes time, so just be you and know that we love you.
