Thursday, February 28, 2013

You Snooze, You LOSE!!!

There is such a cute story behind this picture. Years ago, we were lucky enough to have John's sister Crystal  and her husband Brent live close by as newlyweds. Brent loves fishing more than anyone I've ever known, and was always up for an excuse to go. They also were so in love with our kids and spoiled them like crazy. Brent decided to take Brittany and Jordan (and John and I too so we wouldn't pout) out for the evening to go fishing. Jordan was 5 or 6 and already thought that since he was a boy, he would be out fish Brittany. That night, Brittany was the only one who caught anything. Every time she would cast out, (actually it was Brent who would cast out, and he would then let Brittany hold the pole) within just a few minutes she would make a catch. Time after time this happened while the rest of us never even felt a nibble. We took her lot home to Crystal and Brent's apartment, where Brent fried them up special for us. Brent served a mission in Australia and has learned some pretty rockin cooking technique. Being the great host he was, he made sure we were all fed first. There were just enough for everyone to have one. They had to be cooked a couple at a  time. Brittany, and well all of us, loved the fish. She had hers gone in about one bite. Brent, of course chose to be served last. He had just sat down to take his first bite when Brittany asked him for a glass of water. Being such a great uncle, he could never refuse any request she ever made, no matter how small. So up he went to get her a drink. By the time he got back, Brittany had snatched his fish off his plate and had it devoured! She was so fast none of us had even seen what had happened. When asked, she was almost proud of what she had done. Almost as if by saying she it, it was a compliment to his cooking. Silly girl! Thanks Brent for such a great memory. This one makes me smile every time, and has made our family laugh out loud together many times over the years.


  1. Such a cute story and adorable picture. One of my favorites I've seen of beautiful Brittany.

    1. Thanks Kellie :) Your comments have been so sweet. I love them!

  2. I agree. I love this picture and I never knew the story behind it. That's a good memory.

  3. I love this picture and story. These memories are priceless, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing, Janelle.

  4. Thanks, I'm hoping to get to the point where this blog is more about her, and not my grief. I'm sure there will be plenty of grief in here, but there should also be smiles, and happiness.
